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7 Highly Effective Pool Service Marketing Tips for Taking Your Business to the Next Level

November 16, 2021

Table of Contents

If you are a pool cleaning business entrepreneur, you probably might be struggling with two questions:

  • How to market your new pool business effectively?
  • How to take a larger slice of the pie by getting an edge over the competition?

This article answers these questions with 7 powerful pool service marketing tips to promote and grow your pool cleaning business.

1. Offer exceptional customer service

Marketing your pool cleaning business starts with your existing clients. If you want your business to be successful, you need to have repeat clients. Your repeat customers do not only provide you with a steady income, but they also promote your business through word of mouth. Offer them more than they expect and make them come back for more. Here is how you can do,

  • Spend some time knowing your clients. Connect with them at a personal level.
  • Be consistent with your service every single time.
  • Send appointment reminders, then follow up with them through a text of when you will be heading over. Make sure you are on time.
  • Once you are done, do not forget to say goodbye. If the client isn’t around, text them to let them know you are leaving. Always wrap the service call with a follow-up email asking for feedback.
  • Use surveys and reviews to collect feedback. If the client gives you positive feedback, consider asking for a testimonial. If the client gives you negative feedback, work on it to make your business better.
  • When on a service call, educate your clients on what products you’ll be using and why you’ll be using them.
  • If they need services you do not offer, connect them to the experts.

Manage all your clients in one place. Deliver best-in-class pool cleaning services every time by tracking client and property information with Zuper’s swimming pool cleaning software.

2. Spread the word to your community

When you make your clients happy, they tell others about you, sending referrals your way. This is one of the most effective pool marketing tips because all you need to do is give impeccable service by doing good work, and more business will come your way. Don’t forget to let your clients know that you appreciate their referrals.So how can you get your clients to talk about you? Well, word of mouth is primarily an organic process, but a little nudge can help.

  • Say thank you to your clients by giving them an incentive, such as a free service, if they refer their friends and family.
  • If your client is happy with your service, ask them for referrals. When you remind them for a referral, they will be glad to do it.
  • Keep track of who referred which new client to you. Also, keep track of when each referral incentive starts and ends. The best way to track this information is with the help of a pool business software that records all referral discounts and automatically adds these discounts to your clients’ invoices.
  • Put up flyers around town that promote your business and the referral program.
  • Join local business associations, connect with local pool supply stores, and attend networking events, to build a reputation for yourself and your pool cleaning business.

3. Create a strategic partnership

Clients are not the only ones who can get you referrals. Some pool equipment and pool builders can also send customers your way. Most of these companies do not provide pool services. You can collaborate with these companies and let them know that you will take care of their clients. This will bring you a ton of referrals.

4. Build your pool business website

A website helps you to present your business as a professional and legitimate enterprise. A website is essential, even if you are the only service guy. If you do not have a website, your potential customers will not trust you. That said, having a website is not enough. You need to make sure your website is all the following:

  • Full of information about your company and contact details
  • Blogs that show your clients and the industry the expertise you have in the field
  • Offer a modern service booking experience
  • Optimized for all devices
  • User-friendly, making it easy for clients to find what they are looking for and contact you if they need more information

5. Add your business to a business directory

One of the important pool service marketing tips is advertising through online directories for local businesses. More consumers rely on third-party review websites to find local businesses. So, if someone does a google search for pool cleaning services, your website should appear in the results. So, consider building your credibility with online reviews on your Google business listing. A happy customer will not mind leaving a positive review for your pool cleaning service.

6. Work on your social media presence

Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter are excellent places to connect with your clients. You can have a greater reach if you have a widespread online presence. This will also make it easier for your business to show up on search engine results when someone is looking for services your business offers. Some tips for better engaging your clients on social media platforms include:

  • Quickly respond to questions, comments, and feedback
  • Ask them what services they want to see
  • Share snippets of your work life so they can see how good you are at your job
  • Run ads for your pool cleaning services

7. Invest in digital marketing

Growing your business in the digital age requires you to embrace digital marketing strategies. Digital marketing strategies include content marketing, email marketing, and making your website search engine friendly. These strategies help you to engage your customers and rank well on search engines.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Take your pool service business to the next level of success with Zuper’s swimming pool software. Schedule a demo! [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]



Picture of Shivasankari Bhuvaneswaran
Shivasankari Bhuvaneswaran

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