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Decode the Top KPIs To Get Solar Projects Back on Track

February 2, 2024

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The complexity of managing various components within the solar ecosystem can be overwhelming. As a solar service provider, you seek to optimize productivity in your solar projects. But with so many moving parts, how can you keep operations on track? The answer lies in monitoring the key performance indicators. These insightful metrics allow you to gauge progress, identify issues, and take corrective action. By tracking solar KPIs, you gain visibility into the dynamics of solar initiatives. This empowers you to make data-driven decisions that drive efficiency. Read on to discover the top KPIs for solar projects. You will gain actionable insights to elevate your business.

Benefits of KPI tracking in solar projects

Keeping close tabs on key performance indicators (KPIs) for solar projects provides substantial advantages. Solar companies can optimize asset management and drive profitability by monitoring metrics like return on investment (ROI), net present value (NPV), and operational costs. Comparing these figures to initial projections helps identify areas where projects may be underperforming so corrective actions can be taken.

Reviewing the KPIs at regular intervals also provides insight into how projects are impacted over time by factors like usage, age, and technology changes. Track key metrics to gain valuable insights into your projects. Use these insights to cut costs, boost ROI, and deliver top results for your customers. Don’t just settle for ‘good enough’ solar projects. Discover the Top Solar KPIs that can transform your projects from good to great. Read on and learn how these key metrics empower you to make smarter decisions and maximize your solar success.

Operational KPIs

Project managers must also monitor key metrics related to the daily operations and performance of the solar installations under their purview. Tracking operational KPIs provides crucial insights into how efficiently the systems are running and helps identify areas for improvement. Two of the most important operational KPIs are system availability and system reliability.

System availability

It refers to the percentage of time the solar installation is functioning properly and producing energy. The higher the availability, the less downtime. Solar project managers should aim for 95-99% availability. System reliability tracks the frequency of faults, errors, or other issues occurring with the system. Fewer faults mean higher reliability and customer satisfaction. Project managers should track reliability to minimize disruptions.

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Energy production (kWh)

It measures the actual energy generated by the solar system. Project managers should compare energy production to the projected estimates to ensure the system is performing as expected. Underperformance could indicate equipment issues or suboptimal system design. Overperformance may highlight opportunities for improved energy storage or distribution.

Performance Ratio

It’s a comprehensive metric for evaluating how efficiently the system is converting sunlight into electricity. It’s expressed as a percentage and calculated by dividing the actual solar energy output of the system by its ideal or potential output under perfect conditions. This allows for a quick and clear understanding of how the system is performing compared to its theoretical maximum. A high PR indicates optimal performance, meaning the system is capturing and generating electricity close to its full capacity. It signifies higher energy returns on investment, improved project viability, and satisfied stakeholders. Conversely, a low PR points to potential issues like soiling, shading, equipment malfunctions, or incorrect system design.

Operations and maintenance (O&M) costs

Monitoring this KPI helps to optimize the service process and improve responsiveness to solar installation needs. Higher than anticipated O&M costs could point to excessive equipment failures, inefficient work processes, or inadequate staffing. Project managers should minimize O&M costs while properly maintaining the systems.


Financial KPIs

In the solar industry, closely monitoring key financial metrics is crucial to ensuring the success and profitability of your solar initiatives. By tracking financial KPIs, you can determine if projects are meeting key targets and take corrective action when needed.

Return on Investment (ROI)

ROI is one of the most important financial KPIs to track for any business, especially in the solar industry, where substantial upfront capital is required. Continuously reviewing ROI helps verify that projects are generating the expected returns to meet investment objectives. Comparing ROI to initial projections at regular intervals enables you to quickly detect any declines and identify the causes, allowing you to adjust future plans accordingly.

Net Present Value (NPV)

Over time, the NPV of solar assets may decrease due to usage, aging, or technology changes. Tracking NPV helps confirm that projects are still economically viable and meeting NPV targets. Falling short of NPV projections could signal the need to re-evaluate operational or maintenance practices to maximize the value of existing assets.

Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

IRR indicates the expected rate of return generated from a solar project over its lifetime. Monitoring IRR in relation to initial forecasts helps determine if a project will achieve the desired returns to satisfy investors and stakeholders. An IRR lower than projected could require operational changes or adjustments to future plans to reach target rates of return.

When you closely monitor key financial KPIs like ROI, NPV, and IRR, solar project managers can ensure the success and profitability of initiatives. By frequently reviewing these metrics against initial projections, you can verify that projects are meeting key financial targets or quickly take corrective action when needed to get back on track. Keeping a close eye on the numbers is key to optimizing solar investments.

Customer Satisfaction KPIs

For any solar company, keeping customers satisfied should be a top priority. By tracking customer satisfaction key performance indicators (KPIs), you can gain valuable insights into your customers’ experiences and identify areas for improvement.

CSAT Score

This KPI is how satisfied your customers are with your products or services. You can measure CSAT by sending short surveys after key interactions, like after a service call or equipment installation is complete. Ask customers to rate their satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 10.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

This metric identifies how likely your customers are to recommend your business to others. It is measured using a single survey question that asks customers to rate the likelihood of recommending your company on a scale of 0 to 10. Those who respond with a score of 9 or 10 are promoters, 7 or 8 are passives, and 0 to 6 are detractors. Subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters to get your NPS. An NPS of over 50 is considered excellent.

Number of service Tickets

Monitor the number of service tickets or complaints you receive. An increase in service requests or complaints could indicate declining satisfaction. Analyze the issues reported in service tickets to determine how you can improve your products, services, or processes. Make customer service a priority by aiming to resolve all tickets and complaints promptly and professionally.

Tracking these customer satisfaction KPIs and optimizing accordingly will help ensure your solar business achieves sustainable success through high customer lifetime value and loyalty. Satisfied customers with positive experiences with your company will continue purchasing from you and spreading the word about your services.

Final thoughts

Hope you now have the blueprint to revolutionize your solar business. By tracking these vital KPIs and fine-tuning your operations accordingly, you can steer your projects to success. The road ahead will have twists and turns, but your organization will thrive with focus, adaptability, and commitment to constant improvement. The future of solar power is bright —for both the planet and your enterprise. Forge ahead courageously, and let these performance metrics light the way. The renewable energy community is counting on visionaries like you to illuminate our shared path to sustainability and innovation.

So, are you ready to top KPIs and revitalize solar project management? Take the next step towards your solar business growth. Optimize your solar installation and service field operations with efficient solar field service management software. Give it a shot on Zuper to make your solar service operations seamless.


Picture of Shyamala Gowri
Shyamala Gowri
Shyamala excels in content marketing, seamlessly blending customer service insights, strategic approaches, and service management solutions into her work. She thrives on creating content that simplifies complex tech concepts and highlights their real-world benefits.

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