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Grow Your Service Business with Zuper Customer Management

October 21, 2022

Table of Contents

Your business has a whole range of needs when it comes to managing your field operations including customer and job data management. Office and field personnel need easy, immediate access to customer information. The sales and marketing team want to understand customer preferences so they can engender brand loyalty. Your executive staff want comprehensive reports with insights into customer buying patterns and operational processes.

Your business may struggle to meet these needs or perhaps you have been putting off your digital transformation. Or maybe your team suffers from disorganization around customer information, resulting in potential operational inefficiencies that could cost you time, money and growth.

There is a solution.

Zuper’s customer data management module brings your entire team complete, up-to-date information about your customers and work order details, allowing your business to experience improved customer relations, productivity, and team performance.Let’s look at how Zuper’s solution handles three problems that typically pop up for field service businesses around data management.


Customer management
















Poor customer service and workflow bottlenecks caused by a multi-app or manual system

Problem: Multiple documents, hidden spreadsheets, and scattered details drain productivity. Customer contact information is on one spreadsheet, work orders on another, and post-its and random notes are in manila folders. Team members waste time tracking down information and overlook deadlines or emails, and no one is on the same page about the status of a customer or work order. Manual tracking means customers have to pursue you to get information about their jobs and requests. This can result in customer dissatisfaction and a failure to secure those all-important positive reviews and referrals.‍

Solution: Zuper’s customer module gathers every piece of customer data into a central location, giving your team immediate access to what they need when they need it. Everyone has the latest, most relevant data about job status, contact information, communication, requests and concerns. As a result, multiple team members can collaborate with one another, and customers are kept fully in the loop with real-time reminders, ETA alerts, and notifications. Your business enjoys a more productive team and increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Inconsistent cash flow due to an inadequate work order and billing process

Problem: When you manage customer billing information manually or in multiple places there’s a greater chance that customers will get forgetful about your invoices or dispute things you charge them for. There may also be too many steps to actually paying you or room for inaccuracies to pop up on your end. Also, your back-office and field techs lack ready access to up-to-date work order data and other customer information and have a harder time managing jobs and billing on time.

‍Solution: With Zuper, customer financial, job and contact information is managed all in one place. Your team in the office and in the field no longer struggle to collect payments or waste time finding the best way to contact customers or locate their payment documents. They’re better able to get jobs done on time and can bill and follow up much more efficiently. Nothing about your invoicing process – and therefore your cash flow – is left to chance.

Absence of business oversight as a result of fragmented or erroneous data

Problem: Without a centralized source of customer and operational data, your administrative, sales and marketing leaders lack the 360-degree view of customers and employees necessary to make intelligent decisions about business growth. They can’t gain the insights they want to improve processes around customer and team communication, sales and marketing strategies, and field tech management.

‍Solution: Organizing all your customers and leads in the Zuper app means you can track them throughout the lifetime of the relationships from initial contact and proposal to completed sale and work order, reviews and referrals and beyond. When you collect, clean, and organize customer information all in one place, leaving only the pertinent data to build profiles, you gain a better understanding about them. Your team can respond more effectively to their needs and create personalized customer experiences while your sales and marketing staff have the data they need to make better strategic decisions.

How the Zuper Customer Module Works

The overarching Zuper field management software solution offers smart scheduling, dispatching and timesheet management, administration of the full life cycle of a work order, hassle-free invoicing, estimates and payment collections, and configurable alerts and notifications. The customer module within the solution organizes every contact, related document, work order detail and conversation about and with your customers. Every member of your team has access to the right contact and details for each work order – both in the office and in the field.


Customer management
















The customer module allows for the following for each customer:

  • Name, contact and financial information, job status, progress to date
  • Ability to tag them as part of an organization
  • Adding, editing and deleting profile data
  • Record merge capabilities to avoid duplications
  • Job, quote, invoice, and contract creation and editing
  • Images or photos of jobs or receipts and detailed notes
  • Intuitive user interface for both in-office and mobile use

Managing your customer information with Zuper brings your field service business operational efficiency, reduced costs, and increased customer adoption. The organization and transparency of superior data management empowers your team to more effectively nurture and retain customers and arrive at data-driven insights that improve business profitability and growth.


Picture of Spruha Pandya
Spruha Pandya

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